Who am i ?

…your local storyteller

• Writer & Narrative Designer

• Co-founder of Redlock Studio

• Narrative mercenary in Acte Zero’s team ♥

• Former ND teacher

• Owns a Master’s degree in Arts & Literature

• Particular enthusiasm for Sci-Fi, mythologies & in medias res intros

• Weirdly passionate about bellydance

• Occasionally turns into a social media manager and/or a photographer

How can i help you?

As a freelance game writer & narrative designer, I’m here for everything narrative in your project, from writing to mechanics.

  • Creating complex and believable characters with strong voices is my personal favorite. Protagonists, companions, villains; I’ll flesh out characters for your players to fall in love with! ♥

  • Giving texture to your world, deepening its story and finding the best ways to convey it in game, I’ll make sure your players get immersed in your universe and want to discover everything about it.

  • Barks and banters, item descriptions, lore logs and “storylets”: they’ll add texture, substance & immersion to your game. Let me write them to truly make your world shine ♥

  • Coherent & meaningful mechanics are the core of good design. I can review what you already have to make it even more impactful or help craft pillar features from the ground up that’ll make your players feel, while making sure your narrative is consistent in every aspect of your game.

  • Already wrote lots of words? I’ll read and review what you have, then edit it to bring the very best out of your source text.